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14747 Automation of Information Centres and Services - Three-year degree in Library Sciences and Documentation

Faculty of Geography and History
History of Science and Documentation
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Theoretical and practical classes. The workshops will be related to the theoretical knowledge that will be acquired thoughout the course.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
- García Melero, Luis Angel ; García Camarero, Ernesto. Automatización de bibliotecas. Madrid : Arco-Libros, 1999
- Tedd, Lucy A. Introducción a los sistemas automatizados de bibliotecas. Madrid : Díaz de Santos, 1988
- Da Costa Carballo, Carlos. Introducción a la informática documental. Fundamentos teóricos, prácticos y jurídicos. Madrid : Síntesis, 1995
- Clayton, Marlene. Gestión automatizada de bibliotecas. Salamanca : Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, 1991
- Reynolds, D., Automatización de bibliotecas: problemática y soluciones. Salamanca : Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, 1989
To help the student gain a clear idea of what automation means and its application to information services, so that they learn the possibilities that open up to the application of new technologies in the administration of information. Acquisition of the knowledge necessary to design and implant an automated information system, knowledge of each of the modules or subsystems that form an automated administration program and the changes that its installation produces in different technical processes. The application of new technologies, beginning with the automation that leads us, in most cases, to work ôvirtuallyö through communities, libraries, virtual centers and going on to those that we incorporate through working on the Net by means of connection to a system.