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14706 Written Spanish for the Media - Five-year degree in Audiovisual Communications

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
ABC, Libro de estilo de ABC, Barcelona, Ariel, 2002.
-ALARCOS LLORACH, Emilio: Gramática de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, RAE, 1995.
-ALCOBA, Santiago: Léxico periodístico español, Barcelona, Ariel, 1987.
-ALEZA, Milagros y ENGUITA, José María: El español de América: Aproximación sincrónica, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2002.
-ALVAR EZQUERRA, Manuel (1999): Manual de redacción y estilo, Madrid, Istmo.
-ÁLVAREZ MARTÍNEZ, M. Ángeles: La gramática española en América, Universidad de La Laguna, 1994.
-Antena 3 TV, Libro de estilo, Madrid, Antena3, 2002.
-BENGOECHEA, Mercedes y CALERO, María Luisa: Sexismo y redacción periodística, Valladolid, Junta de

1. Standard language and diatopical, diastratical and diaphasical varieties of the Spanish language (Spain and America). Outstanding phenomena of Hispanic dialectology. Information about Rae.es.
2. Written Spanish language: Frequent grammatical errors among all the sociocultural level speakers.
3. Spelling: Orthographic changes in the "Spanish language Orthography" by the Royal Spanish Language Academy's new edition (1999). Correct use of punctuation signs in text writing. Abbreviations and initials. Foreign expressions.
4. Edition of a Spanish: Edition norms and typography. Symbols used in test corrections.
5. Lexicon and Lexicography: Dictionaries types and their utilities. Neologism appearance and creation in the media.Morphological procedures in word creation. Journalistic language words incorporated to the DRAE (2001). Foreign expressions and feminine words incorporated to the DRAE. Lexical Americanisms: Lexical differences between Spain and Spanish-American countries. American words incorporated to the DRAE. Spanish dictionaries of American modalities.