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14703 The Communicative Company - Five-year degree in Audiovisual Communications

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Business Administration 'Juan José Renau Piqueras'
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
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NIETO, F. IGLESIAS (2000), La empresa informativa, Ariel Comunicación, Barcelona (2ª edición)
SÁNCHEZ TABERNERO y otros (1997), Estrategias de marketing de las empresas de televisión en España, EUNSA, Pamplona
PEREZ GOROSTEGUI, E. (1990), Economía de la Empresa: Introducción, Editorial Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, Madrid
BUSTAMANTE, E., ZALLO, R. (eds) (2003), Hacia un nuevo sistema mundial de comunicación, Gedisa, Barcelona
BUSTAMANTE, E. Y otros (2002), Comunicación y cultura en la era digital. Industrias, mercados y diversidad en España, Gedisa, Barcelona
REIG, R. (1998), Medios de comunicación y poder en España. Prensa, radio, televisión y mundo editorial
STRUCTURESûCONTENTS:THEORETICAL PROGRAM: PART I: COMPANY MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION Unit 1: COMPANY: INTRODUCTION 1: Concept and classes of companies 2. types of society. 3. Company as a system. 4. Company environment. Unit 2: MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGY 1. Management 2. Strategy 3. Planning and control Unit 3: ECONOMIC-FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 1. Incomes and charges 2. Annual budgets and main ratios of activity Unit 4: ORGANIZATION: 1. Formal and informal organization 2. Characteristics of the work position 3. Organisational structure types Unit 5: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 1. DRH s functions 2. Human resources motivation 3. Leadership and administration styles Unit 6: COMMERCIAL MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING 1. Commercial investigation 2. Marketing in the company 3. Commercial policies and strategies in informative companies PART II: COMMUNICATIVE COMPANIES Unit 7: INFORMATIVE-COMMUNICATIVE COMPANY 1. Information and communication concept 2. Object of the informative company 3. Elements of the informative company 4. Communicative companies classification Unit 8: STRUCTURES OF THE INFORMATION-COMMUNICATION SECTOR : 1. Advertising company 2. Cinema company 3. Informative agency 4. Written and digital press company 5. Books and magazines publisher company 7.Cable and satellite telecommunication company 9. Television and video company Unit 9: PRESENT STATE OF THE INFORMATION MA