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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14700 Introduction to Modern Science and Technology - Five-year degree in Audiovisual Communications

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Inorganic Chemistry
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Asimov, Isaac, "Nueva guía de la Ciencia". Plaza y Janés, 1998
García Barreno, Pedro, "La Ciencia en tus manos". Espasa, 2000.
Gardner, Martin, "La Ciencia, lo bueno, lo malo y lo falso", Alianza Editorial, 1988.
Dawkins, Richard, "El gen egoista", Salvat, 1997.
Sánchez Ron, José Manuel, ôLa ciencia y la tecnología ante el tercer milenioö, España Nuevo Milenio, 2002
CONTENT OF THE SUBJECT Science, " pseudoscience", and irrationalism. Scientific method. Falsifications of scientific methods. Scientific fallacies. Day to day mathematics. The NIF. Electoral majorities. barcodes. probability. The Universe. . The stars. Measure of the distances among the stars. New stellar objects. Black holes. Origin and evolution of the Universe. The Earth. A unique planet. Dynamics of the litosphere. Earthquakes and volcanos. Origin and evolution of the Earth. The waves. Electromagnetic spectrum. light. Radio emissions and television. Máser and laser. Microwaves. The motive. The mobile. chemical elements. Ordination of the elements.. Nuclear fission. Nuclear coalition. The atmosphere. Atmospheric contamination. Photochemical smog. acid rain. Contamination by heavy metals. Study of typical cases. materials. Natural and artificial materials. Electric and magnetic materials. Superconductors. The cell. Chromosomes. Genes. . The origin of life. life in other worlds. The mind. The nervous system. Human behavior. Robots. Artificial intelligence