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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14699 Internet for Communicators - Five-year degree in Audiovisual Communications

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Language Theory and Communication Sciences
Lecturers in charge
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- ARMENTIA, José Ignacio, Diseño y periodismo electrónico, Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, 1999.

- ARMENTIA, José Ignacio, et al. (2000). El diario digital. Análisis de los contenidos textuales, aspectos formales y publicitarios. Barcelona: Bosch.

- BARRETT, Neil (1999). El estado de la cibernación. Consecuencias culturales, políticas y económicas de la Internet. Barcelona: Flor del Viento.

- BETTETINI, G., et al. (2001). I nuovi instrumenti del comunicare. Milán: RCS - libri.

- CANGA LAREQUI, J., COCA, C., MARTÍNEZ, E., CANTALAPIEDRA, M.J., y MARTÍNEZ, L., Diarios digitales. Apuntes sobre un Nuevo Medio, Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, 2000.

- CASTELLS, Manuel, La Galaxia Internet, Barcelona, Pla


The aim of the subject is that the students acquire enough competence to work with the Internet in any work environments offered by the media in the communication sector, such as design, written or audiovisual contents production or the manager administration of a web business.


1) Introduction: Internet technical characteristics
a. TCP / IP protocol
b. Audiovisual material and text inclusion
c. Structuring by means of links
d. Information disposition in netservers. Data transfer

2) Net communication. Peculiar characteristic of the media
a. Sender and receiver in the virtual environment
b. Net communication levels (I): Interpersonal communication
c. Net communication levels (II): Communication of masses

3) Production, edition and contents presentation for the net
a. Informative genres
b. Interpretive genres
c. Argumentative genres
d. New genres

4) Media patterns in the Internet
a. Traditional media adaptation to the digital environment (press, radio, television)
b. General and thematic sites
c. Experiments of alternative communication
d. Public in the Internet: search of information, product adaptation to the potential public, access to public; virtual communities case.
e. Financing ways and economic viability

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