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14694 Recent history of the Valencian Country in the Spanish Context - Five-year degree in Journalism

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Early History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
1. Manuales y obras de síntesis

- Història del País Valencià. V. Època contemporània, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 1990.
- Història Contemporània del País Valencià, Valencia, Tabarca, 1992.
- Història del País Valencià, Valencia, E. Climent, 1992.
- P. PRESTON, I. SAZ (eds.): De la revolución liberal a la democracia parlamentaria. Valencia (1808-1975), Madrid û Valencia, Biblioteca Nueva û UV/EG û Fundación Cañada Blanch, 2001.

2. Otros materiales

- LÆAvenç 214 (1997), maig; 251 (2000), octubre (dossiers dedicados a historia reciente del País Valenciano).

- M. ALCARAZ: Cuestión nacional y autonomía valenciana, Alicante: Instituto Juan Gil-Albert, 1985.


To) to provide a general knowledge of the historical progress of Valencia throughout the contemporary era.
B) detailed Analysis of the transition to the democracy in the Valencian region.
C) Approach to the contemporary history of the Valencian region from a general perspective that assists with the historical analysis of the national phenomena.


1. introduction: the Valencian XX century .
2. the first Francoism: the régime and the opposition.
3. the new antiFrancoist opposition: origins and national attitudes.
4. the transition to democracy in Spain and in the Valencian region.
5. the process toward political autonomy.