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14692 History of Today's World - Five-year degree in Journalism

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Early History
Lecturers in charge
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AMBROSIUS, G. y HUBBARD, W.H.: Historia social y económica de Europa en el siglo XX, Madrid, Alianza, 1992

ARACIL, R. et.al.: El Mundo Actual. De la segunda guerra mundial a nuestros días, Barcelona, UAB, 1995

BLACKBOURN, R. (ed): Después de la caída. El fracaso del comunismo y el futuro del socialismo, Barcelona, Crítica, 1993.

CABRERA, M. y JULIA, S. (coords): Europa, 1945-1990, Madrid, Fundación Pablo Iglesias, 1992.

CALVACORESSI; P.: Historia Política del Mundo Contemporáneo. De 1945 a nuestros días, Madrid, Akal, 1987

CHAMBERLAIN, M.E.: La descolonización. La caída de los imperios europeos, Barcelona, Ariel, 1997.

FUENTES, J.F. y LA PARRA, E., Historia Universal del siglo XX. De la Primera Guerra Mundial

CONTENTS 1. - World War II immediate consequences and Cold War origins. - National perspectives of an international conflict. The two blocks consolidation. Decolonization and Nationalism in the Third World. 2. - Golden Age. - Economic growth and Welfare state in western world. Evolution of the real socialism world: Economic growth and destalinization. Evolution of a bipolar world: Between a peaceful coexistence and distension. 3. - Crisis of the 70 s decade. - Welfare State crisis and Neoliberalism. The limits of the Soviet growth pattern. Democracies and dictatorships: Europe and Latin America in the 70 s decade.From first to second Cold War. 4. - Present world origins. - Crisis of the Soviet system and the 1989 s revolutions. New international order. The European Union. China, Japan and the Asian Southeast emergent countries. The Third World after the Cold War end. Evalutation of a globalization century.