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14691 History of Social Communication in the Valencian Region - Five-year degree in Journalism

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Language Theory and Communication Sciences
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Álvarez, Jesús Timoteo. 1989. Historia de los medios de comunicación en España. Periodismo, imagen y publicidad (1900-1990). Barcelona: Ariel.
Álvarez, Jesús Timoteo. 1991. Del viejo orden informativo. Ed. Actas, Madrid
Álvarez, Jesús Timoteo. 1992. Historia y modelos de la comunicación en el siglo XX. Barcelona: Ariel.
Baldini, Massimo. 1995. Storia della comunicazione. Roma: Tascabili economici Newton.
Balsebre, Armand. 2001. Historia de la radio en España. Madrid: Cátedra.
Barroso, Jaime; Tranche, Rafael. 1996. Televisión en España. Valencia: Archivos de la Filmoteca.
Beltrán, Adolf. 202. Els temps moderns. Societat valenciana i cultura de masses al segle XX. Valencia: Tandem.
Bello, Vicen
Program 1. history of communication. 1.1. Historical paradigms . 1.2. delimitation of communication as a complex phenomenon. 1.3. The model of study of history of communication: - global - local. 1.4. criteria, approaches,construction factors and analysis of periodisation. 2. the emergence of identity. language and communication in the Valencian Region in the Middle Age. 2.1 feudal society: factors, its structures and dynamics 2.2 emergence of linguistic identity 2.3 the communicative reality 3. communication and modernity: the revolution of printing 3.1 the birth of capitalism: structures and dynamics of the society of the modern time 3.2 splendor and decline of Valencian society in the modern era 3.3 construction of the infrastructure 3.4 printing and their sociocultural and communicative transcendency 3.5 problems of linguistic identity 4. communication and Illustration. The crisis of the old informative order 4.1 society of absolutism and the crisis of the old social order 4.2 momentous dimension of culture in Illustration 4.3 the crisis of sociocultural identity of the Valencian region 4.4 learned language and vulgar language in Valencian society . The consequences of order in the new land. 5. freedom of speech, industrialization and communication in the . XIX century 5.1 the industrial society, capitalism and the appearance of the proletariat 5.2 the communication: political instrumnts and economic co
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