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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14646 Cataloguing of Works of Art - Five-year degree in History of Art

Faculty of Geography and History
Art History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Introductory explanations of each topic by the lecturer. Comment of specific cases. Cataloguing of a work of painting or sculpture, carried out by the student.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
1. Introduction: cataloguing artistic works for research and conservation. 1.1. reasons for classifying. 1.2. definition and types of catalogues. 2. cataloguing and protection of artistic heritage. Cataloguing in museums: inventories and collection catalogues. 3.1. history of documentation in museum science. 3.2. cataloguing systems in Spanish museums. 4. cataloguing in research: reasoning of catalogues. 4.1. general approaches. 4.2. responsibility and its problems. 4.3. the title of artistic works. 4.4. dating and related problems. 4.5. technical data and other notes. 4.6. the property and origin of the work. 4.7. exhibitions and bibliography. 4.8. critical comment.