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14644 Italian Baroque Architecture - Five-year degree in History of Art

Faculty of Geography and History
Art History
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Theory classes following teacher's program, aided by visual resources. Practical exercises, commentary on texts and images.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
Study of architecture in the Baroque period in Modern Age Italy. Aspects such as the diverse terminology and wide historiography, chronology and geography of Baroque expression are analyzed. The incidence of the Counter-reform, the cultural and scientific Roman environment of the XVII century and the importance of new urban requirements, in particular in papal Rome are also aspects of study. The course also analyzes the influence of Michelangelo's work on architects such as Carlo Maderno and other important figures; Borromini, Bernini and Pietro da Cortona. Artistic expression during the second half of the XVII century and beginning of XVIII century in Rome and northern Italy and the architecture of Naples and Sicily are other important aspects . Finally, students will study the repercussion Italian architectural works and projects had on Spainish architecture.