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14575 Industrial Archaeology - Five-year degree in History of Art

Faculty of Geography and History
Art History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Derived from the application of archaeological method.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
To explain the origin and development of industrial archaeology in different countries, paying special attention to Great Britain and Spain (and, within this, to the Pais Valenciano). Given the possible mistake of identifying industrial archaeology with industrial patrimony, one should understand industrial archaeology as the application of archaeological method to the study of industrial society (there is no industrial archaeology without the application of archaeological method) Method (archaeological) and sources (materials, writings, oral) It aims to facilitate the necessary minimum knowledge for field work in industrial archaeology: prospecting (aerial photographs, plans and maps, written documentation and oral sources), excavation (paying special attention to wall stratigraphy and the Harris matrix) and post-excavationary tasks.