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14550 Conflicts in the Modern Valencian Country - Five-year degree in History

Faculty of Geography and History
Modern History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
The theory-practise focus of the subject is achieved by alternating explanations with commentary on different documentation, extracted, above all, from the Valencian archives.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Al carecer de monografías sobre el conjunto de la conflictividad valenciana moderna, hay que recurrir a los capítulos correspondientes de las Historias Generales sobre Valencia, entre las que destacamos:
Reglá, J., Aproximació a la història del País Valencià, Edit. lˆEstel, Valencia, 1968.
VVAA, Història del País Valencià, Vols. III y IV, Edicions 62, Barcelona, 1975/ 1989 y 1990.
VVAA, Nuestra Historia, Vols. IV y V, Edit. Mas Ivars, Valencia, 1980.
Furió, A., Història del País Valencià, IVEI, Valencia, 1995.
Císcar Pallarés, E., ôEdad Modernaö, Vol IV de la Historia General del Reino de Valencia, RACV, Valencia, 2003.
After defining the nature of the conflict, which is the objective of this subject (Topic 1), the program is divided in two parts. In the first, the long-term conflict is studied, to which four topics are devoted (common delinquency, decrees and racketeering, dissident minorities and piracy and corsairism, respectively). The second focuses on the main conflicts in the three remaining topics (The Germanía war, the Second Germanía war and the War of Sucesión, and the popular changes of the XVIII century). The basic objective of this subject is to try to characterize the conflict that affected to the Valencian territory during modern times, the causes and the consequences on the History of Valencia, highlighting, too, the general framework within which this conflict evolved.