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14547 Introduction to Valencian Medieval History - Five-year degree in History

Faculty of Geography and History
Medieval History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
In order to offer basic information on medieval times in the Valencian region, a variety of resources will be used, accompanied by specific bibliography on the subject.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
A més de la bibliografia específica de cada tema, poden considerar-se obres més generals de referència les següents:

A. FURIÓ: Història del País Valencià, València, Ed. 3i4, 2001.
J. FUSTER: Nosaltres els valencians, Barcelona, Ed. 62, 1962.
A. GIMÉNEZ SOLER, La Edad Media en la Corona de Aragón, Barcelona, Labor, 1944.
Historia del Pueblo Valenciano, València, Diario Levante-IVEI, 1988.
Nuestra Historia, vols. 2 i 3, Mas-Ivars, València, 1980.
Història del País Valencià, vol. 2, Barcelona, ed. 62, 1989.
Història del País Valencià, València, ed. 3i4, 1992.
J.M. SALRACH: Història dels Països Catalans, vol 1, Barcelona, Edhasa, 1980.
M. SANCHIS GUARNER: La ciutat de València, València, Ajuntament de València, 1997.

Given the introductory character of the subject, the course offers basic knowledge of medieval times in the Valencian region. Special importance is given to understanding the conquest and colonization of the XIII century, since they mark two totally different historical periods. Before this period, from the VIII century, Islamic civilization flourishes, Arabic is the language used and some original political institutions appear, at first dependent on Cordoba and later autonomous. When Jaime I conquers back the Kingdom of Valencia, it is incorporated into the Crown of Aragon, and, with its own political organization consecrated in the Jurisdictions of Valencia, the foundations are made for the commencement of a period of splendor in the XV century, helped also by Valenciaˆs flourishing, dynamic agriculture and mercantile development.