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14540 Rural Medieval History - Five-year degree in History

Faculty of Geography and History
Medieval History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Presentation of ten monographic themes on agrarian history of medieval Western civilization, accompanied by commented readings of documents that illustrate the theory.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
AA.VV., Histoire de la France rurale, París, Seuil, vols. 1 i 2 1975.
M. BLOCH, La Historia rural francesa: caracteres originales, Barcelona, Crítica, 1978.
G. CHERUBINI, LÆItalia rurale del basso Medioevo, Bari, Laterza, 1996.
C.M. CIPOLLA: Historia económica de Europa (1). La Edad Media. Madrid. Ariel, 1979.
G. DUBY, Economia rural y vida campesina en el Occidente medieval, Barcelona, Península, 1973.
- Guerreros y campesinos. Desarrollo inicial de la economía europea (500-1200), Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1979.
S.R. EPSTEIN, Town and country in Europe, 1330-1800, Cambride University Press, 2001.
R. FOSSIER, Historia del campesinado en el Occidente medieval, Barcelona, Crítica, 1986.
G. FOURQUIN, Señorío y feudalismo en la Edad Media, Madrid, EDAF, 1976.
Jacques Le Goff said that we will always encounter our rural ancestor sooner or later. This personal anecdote becomes, however, a collective reality. The rural influence has always been present in our cultural horizons. The historian's vision probably searches certain origins: those of Western Europe. It is not a nostalgic return, characteristic of the current industrial animal that is capable of creating virtual and cybernetic fields. It is, on the other hand, finding the farmers in their own agrarian communities that will give life to scenery and heterogeneous cultivations, in constant conflict with noblemen and bourgeois, possessing their original values. If culture is made up of inheritance and ruptures, then there should be no doubt that Western culture is, also, the result of the inheritance and ruptures of the rural world of the Middle Ages.