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14535 Spanish Medieval History - Five-year degree in History

Faculty of Geography and History
Medieval History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Teaching based on the presentation of the state of the art, use of the recommended bibliography and teaching material.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
-BONNASSIE, P. and others: Las Españas Medievales, Barcelona, Crítica, 2001. -CARRASCO, J. and others: Historia de las Españas Medievales, Barcelona, Crítica, 2002. -IRADIEL, P. - MORETA, S. - SARASA, E.: Historia Medieval de la España Cristiana, Madrid, Cátedra, 1989. -MONSALVO, J.M.: La Baja Edad Media en los siglos XIV-XV. Política y cultura, Historia de España 3r milenio, vol. 8, Madrid, Ed.Síntesis, 2001.
-GUINOT, E.: La Baja Edad Media. Economía y sociedad, Historia de España 3r Milenio, vol. 9, Madrid, Ed. Síntesis, 2003.
1. Knowledge of the historical evolution of the Iberian Peninsula in the medieval era, 5th to the 15th centuries. 2. - Determination of chronological spaces for the creation of the different peninsular Kingdoms. 3. - Specification of the creation and first development of the peninsular regional units. 4. - Recognition of the diverse peninsular cultures: Germanic, Islamic, Hebrew and Christian. 5. - Evolution of the economic, social and mental structures in their specific territorial environments and when comparing between different peninsular areas. 6. Institutional and cultural aspects that compiled the Iberian essence.