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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14533 Medieval Economic History - Five-year degree in History

Faculty of Geography and History
Medieval History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
General explanations at the beginning of the course will give way to more specific content and more detailed explantions of each topic and corresponding bibliography.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Como textos aconsejados para el seguimiento de la materia y para la preparación de exámenes seproponen los siguientes:
Para la Historia económica europea: C.M. CIPOLLA, "Historia económica de la Europa preindustrial", Madrid, Alianza, 1981, y C.M. CIPOLLA (dir), "Historia económica de Europa", vol. 1: " La Edad Media", Barcelona, Ariel, 1979.
Para la historia económica de España: se puede recurrir a los capítulos de historia económica de dos manuales generales: P. IRADIEL, S. MORETA Y E. SARASA, "Historia medieval de la España cristiana", Madrid, Cátedra, y de la "Historia del País Valencià", Vol II: "De la conquesta a la deferació hispànica", Barcelona, Ediciones 62, 1989, o al manual, más completo, de Ch.E. DUFORCQ y J.GAUTIER DALCHÉ, "Historia económica y social de la España cri
The program is divided into two parts: 1. - In the first part, the professor will develop a general vision of the economic evolution of pre-industrial European societies between the ninth and fifteenth centuries, approaching specific problems of medieval economic growth and/or stagnation, and the dominance of capitalism in the transition process. 2. - The second part is of monographic character in which particular sectors of this development-crisis and structural transformation of medieval economy will be approached: agriculture, handmade production, trade, banking, credit... In this part of the course special attention will be paid to Valencian economic history by means of local historical sources.