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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14525 Culture and Political Thought in Medieval Europe - Five-year degree in History

Faculty of Geography and History
Medieval History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Methodology Presentation of the situation and theoretical approaches, presentation of each epigraph and study of documental sources and bibliography to develop a proceedure for investigation.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work


1) EL Modelo intelectual
ACTAS (1985). Actas del II Congreso Internacional "Encuentro de tres culturas", (Toledo, octubre de 1983).
ACTAS (1996). Tecnología y sociedad: las grandes obras públicas en la Europa Medieval. Actas de la XXII Semana de Estudios Medievales de Estella (1995). Ed. Gobierno de Navarra.
ACTAS I Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las ciencias (1980). Ed. Dip. Prov. de Madrid.
ACTAS II Congreso de la S.E.H.C. (1984). Ed. M. Hormigón, Zaragoza.
ADAM, P. (1976). "Conclusions sur les developpement des tecniques nautiques mediévales". En Revue d Histoire Economique et Sociale, vol. 24, nº 4, pp.560-567.
BABINI, J. (1968). La ciencia en la temprana Edad Media. Ed. Centro editor de América Latina. A

As an optional subject in the second cycle, it will focus on the in-depth study and investigation on the specific fields of the subject and each of its topics.
Nevertheless, to configure this programme we highlight as a primary objective to get students to learn a correct historical and epistemological contextualization of the central nucleus of the subject. To achieve this, we present the cultural and intelectual models of the Middle Ages, with special emphasis on the political thought. The basic lines of the contents centre on the medieval culture and political thought as meeting point for cultures, as a support for the emergence of culture and the lay state and as interrelation between culture/technical science and political thought.