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14524 History of the Kingdom of Aragon - Five-year degree in History

Faculty of Geography and History
Medieval History
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Presentation of eight themes, following the political, economical and social evolution of the Kingdom of Aragon.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
T.N. BISSON, Història de la Corona d'Aragó a l'Edat Mitjana, Barcelona, Crítica, Barcelona, 1988,
L. GONZÁLEZ, R. FERRER, P. CATEURA, La Corona d'Aragó. La consolidació, Saragossa, ed. Aragó, (sense data).
P. IRADIEL, S. MORETA, E. SARASA, Historia Medieval de la España cristiana. Cátedra. Madrid, 1988.
J.M. SALRACH, Història dels Països Catalans. Dels orígens a 1714, Barcelona, EDHASA, 1980.
To travel through the history of the Kingdom of Aragon in Medieval times is, after all, to deepen our knowledge in particular aspects and also perplexities, of a fabulous collective past. In the first place it is necessary to examine societies in Aragon and Catalonia before their union in 1137. Then, with the development of institutions and the feudal state, we see these societies expand toward the soyth of Aragon and Valencian region, and further still, toward the Balearic Islands. Meanwhile merchants extend commercial routes through the Mediterranean that bring economic and cultural splendor to the Aragon Crown. A period of splendor that originates during the so called feudal crisis and slowly but surely expands towards countries that configure such a singular political structure. At the end of the Middle Ages, these territories seem exhausted, with a painful decadence at the doors of the Crown of Aragon.