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14414 Avantgarde Theories - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Lecturers in charge
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Lectures, practical workshops and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
AZÚA, Félix. Diccionario de las artes. Ed. Anagrama.
BENJAMIN, Walter. "La obra de arte en la era de su reproductibilidad técnica", en Discursos Interrumpidos I. Ed. Taurus.
BÜRGER, Peter. Teoría de la Vanguardia. Ed. Península.
DE MICHELLI, Mario. Las vanguardias artísticas del siglo XX. Ed. Alianza Forma.
El descrédito de las vanguardias. VV. AA. Ed. Blume.
SUBIRATS, E. La crisis de las vanguardias y la cultura moderna. Ed. Libertarias.
OBJECTIVES: Contents and Objectives: This is a subject from the first cycle of Philosophy and History of the Art and has an introductory character. ARTISTIC VANGUARDISM in the first decades of the XX century, will seve as a srarting point to present some central topics of Aesthetics and some aspects current times.


1. - Brief prologue: What is Vanguardism?
3. - History of the term Vanguardism. Modernism senses and their relationship with Vanguardism. Autonomy of art.
4. - Aesthetic modernism: Charles Baudelaire. (The painter of modern life).
5. - Characteristics of Vanguardism. Common denominators.
6. -The impact of Vanguardism on Aesthetics.
7. - Art in times of crisis: Walter Benjamin (Works of art in the era of technical reproductions).
8. - Failure or prevailance of Vanguardism? The world at war. Progress.