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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14376 History of PhilosophicalScientific Thought: Ancient Times - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Lectures + directed reading and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Hull, L.W.H.: Historia y Filosofía de la ciencia, Barcelona, Ariel, 1985./ Crombie, A.C.: Historia de la Ciencia: De San Agustín a Galileo, Madrid, Alianza, 1974./ Farrington, B.: Ciencia griega, Buenos Aires, Hachette, 1957./ Sambursky, S.: El mundo físico a fines de la antigüedad, EUDEBA, 1970./ Rioja, Ana & Ordóñez, Javier: Teorías del Universo. Vol. I: De los Pitagóricos a Galileo. Madrid, Ed. Síntesis, 1999.
1.- History of scientific thought. Guidelines for interpretation.
2.- Eternity and Salvation.
3.- Ideal of knowledge: Plato y Aristotle.
4.- Aristotle. Structure of reality: Matter and form; Substance and accident; power and deeds.
5.- Aristotle: movement.
6.- Aristotle: elements.
7.- Aspects of Greek astronomy
8.- Aristotle. Causes. Image of the Universe.
9.- Aristotles. Physical problems: emptiness, space, time, weight.
10.- The Museum of Alejandria. Confrontation and synthesis between ideologies.
11.- Progress in astronomy up until Hiparco.
12.- Physics and astronomy: Ptolomeo.
13.- Ptolomeo: Structure of the Universe.