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14353 Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Logic and Philosophy of Science
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, practical workshops and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
BECHTEL, W.: Filosofía de la mente. (Una panorámica para
la ciencia cognitiva), Madrid, Tecnos, 1991.
BODEN, M.A. (ed.): Filosofía de la Inteligencia Artificial. México, FCE, 1994.
CASABAN, E.: Introducció a la Informàtica. Universitat de València, 1993.
CASABAN, E.; LORENTE, J.M. y UBEDA, J.P.: "Què s'oposa a la teoria mecanicista de la ment?" Quaderns de Filosofia i Ciència, núm. 25-26, 1995, pp. 163-170.
COPELAND, J.: Inteligencia Artificial. (Una introducción filosófica).
Madrid, Alianza, 1996.
CHURCHLAND, P.M.: Materia y conciencia. Barcelona, Gedisa, 1992.
FISCHBACH, G.D.: "Mente y cerebro". Investigación y Ciencia. núm. 194, nov. 1992, pp. 6-16.
GRAUBARD, S.R.: El nuevo debate sobre la inteligencia artificial.
Barcelona, Gedisa, 1993.
1. Artificial Intelligence: achievements and current issues. The "frame problem" and other relevant issues that have caused philosophical discussion.
2. Brief introduction to the most relevant computer concepts in order to understand Classical Artificial Intelligence.
3. Brief introduction to the key concepts of connectionism to understand how problems are solved through the neuronal network.
4. Philosophical positions on issues raised by the comparison between the human mind and machines.
5. Cognitive explanations considering aspects of computation, computability and some notions of quantum physics.
6. The philosophical issue of intencionality and computational theoretical approaches regarding functions of nervous system.
Study of philosophical questions raised by invention of machines to solve cognitive problems. Philosophical discussions taking different positions on Artificial Intelligence.
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