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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14336 Ethics - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, directed reading and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
APEL, K.O. Teoría de la verdad y ética del discurso, Paidós, Barcelona, 1991. "La ética del discurso como ética de la responsabilidad" (pp. 147-184).
ARANGUREN, J.L., Ética, Revista de Occidente, Madrid, 1958.
ARISTOTELES, Etica a Nicómaco, edición de J. Marías, Madrid, Inst.Est.Pol.
CONILL, J., El poder de la mentira, Tecnos, Madrid, 1997.
CORTINA, A., Ética mínima, Tecnos, Madrid, 1986.
Ética sin moral, Tecnos, Madrid, 1990. Especialmente Introducción y los capítulos 1, 2, 3 y 7.
KANT, I., Fundamentación de la meta-física de las costumbres, Sociedad de Amigos del País.
NIETZSCHE, F. Ecce Homo, Alianza
1.El environment of ethics
1) Moral, ethics and meta-ethics.
2) Moral within practical knowledge: politics, law, economy, religion.
2.Ethics as Moral Philosophy
1) The object of ethics
2) Methods of ethics
3. Contemporary Ethical Panorama
4.Problem of Foundation
1) the question of foundation
2) laying the foundations of moral
3) contemporary panorama of moral basis
5.Civil Moral in Democratic Society
1) Democratic moral
2) Enlightment as a moral project
3) Limits of civil moral
6. Conformity or strategy?
1) Moral pluralism
2) Need for applied ethics
7.Classification of ethics
1) Ethics of motives and aims
2) Formalism in ethics and material ethics of values
3) Procedures and sustenance in the ethics 8.Ethics and Religion
1) Cultured Ethos and religion
2) Rationality and religious faith
9.Nietzsche and change in ethical thought
1) From Kant to Nietzsche