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14335 Aesthetics and Interpretation - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, programmed reading and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
FOUCAULT, Michel. Historia de la locura en la época clásica. 1961.
Las palabras y las cosas. 1966.
La arqueología del saber. 1969.
Vigilar y castigar. 1975.
Historia de la sexualidad (tres volúmenes, 1976-1984).
"There are moments in life when one has to ask oneself if one can think differently and perceive differently, this being fundamental in order to continue contemplating and reflecting.". (M. Foucault.) This subject is concerned with the constant metaphor of philosophy,in epic lierature: from the island to the ocean, from dry land to rough waters . For this reason we have chosen the work by Michel Foucault, which reflects this image. We will look at his broken lines: from the discursive formation to the powerful strategies they contain and from these to the forms recognised as subject. As we will see, the shadow of his philosophy will always be in the form of ART, the presence of water: as an attitude to life, as a technique of "I"and as esoteric language.
Syllabus1.- The masked philosoper.
2.- Maurice Florence.
3.- FOUCAULT in the history work-shop.
4.- Nietzsche: the arrow retaken
5.- The price of reason. .
6.- World Order. The unimaginable.
7.- What is illustration?
8.- POWER: The magnificent beast.
9.- Practising freedom