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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14327 Bioethics - Five-year degree in Philosophy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures, directed reading and tutorials
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
T.L. Beauchamp, L.B. McCullough, Ética médica, Barcelona, Labor, 1987
- A. Cortina, Ética aplicada y democracia radical, Madrid, Tecnos, 1993
- J. Gafo, Diez palabras clave en Bioética, Estella, VD, 1997.
- J. Gafo (ed.), El derecho a la asistencia sanitaria, Univ. Comillas, 1999.
- D. Gracia, Fundamentos de Bioética, Madrid, EUDEMA, 1988.
- A. Couceiro (ed.), Bioética para clínicos, Madrid, Triacaste-la, 1999.
- M. García, Ética y Salud, Granada, Escuela Andaluz de Salud Pública, 1998.
- H. Jonas, El principio responsabilidad, Barcelona, Herder.
- H. Jonas, Técnica, medicina y ética, Barcelona, Paidós, 1997
- P. Simón, El consentimiento informado, Madrid, Triacastela, 2000
- S.
In this module students will study how Bioethics emerged, with its roots in the Greek and medieval thought, and its main development at the end of the XX century, coinciding with the following issues: biotechnologies, the ecological challenge, experimentation with humans, the lengthening of life expectancy, the right to health, war and the death penalty.

1.Appearance and development the Bioethics.
2. Macrobioethics and microbioethics. The ecological challenge.
3. Principles of the Bioethics.
4. Autonomy and its consequences
5. Justice and its possibilities.
6. Philosophical foundations of the Bioethics
7. From principles to goals: liberalism and community.