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14294 German Literature I - Five-year degree in German Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
English and German
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
- Written final exam (german)
- Two comments (German): 2-3 typewritten pages (font: 12, space: 1,5). The delivery dates will be given in class.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Se facilitará al comienzo y a lo largo del curso
Study of the literature in German language between 1900 and 1945: end of century, Expressionism, Republic of Weimar, Third Reich and exile. 2. - Compulsory readings:
- Frõulein Else (A. Schnitzler)
- Frühlingserwachen (F. Wedekind)
- Das Urteil (F. Kafka)
- Mario und der Zauberer (Th. Mann)
- Das Judenauto (F. Fühmann)
- Readings Dossier (photocopier)