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14293 Contrastive Linguistics of German - Five-year degree in German Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
English and German
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
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The German language will be located in the context of Indo-European languages and then will be related to languages of other distant families as the fine-Hungarian or the tonal ones to see curious characteristics of languages through opposition.
Met. Avaluació
Project work - -
Se facilitará un listado bibliográfico al principio del curso para los temas en concreto. Como bibliografía básica, se pueden consultar los siguientes títulos:

Comrie, B. (1990): The Major Languages of Western Europe. London: Routledge.
Glinz, H. (1994): Grammatiken im Vergleich. Deutsch-Franz÷sisch-Englisch-Latein. Formen-Bedeutungen-Verstehen. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Lang, E./Zifonun G. (Hrsg.) (1996): Deutsch - typologisch. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.
Moreno Cabrera, J.C. (1997): Introducción a la lingüística. Enfoque tipológico y universalista. Madrid: Síntesis.
Wandruszka, M. (1969): Sprachen. Vergleichbar und unvergleichlich. München: Piper.
Wegener, H. (Hrsg.) (1999): Deutsch kontrastiv. Typologisch-ver

The objective is to make an exhaustive analysis of the linguistic characteristic features of German inside the group of the Indo-European languages and of other more distant families, to awaken the sensitivity of students to phenomena that would otherwise pass unnoticed before the eyes of a linguist and philologist. German presentation of contrastive works - other languages.