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14280 German Narrative - Five-year degree in German Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
English and German
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Active participation in class will be valued and could be decisive for the final mark. There will be a final exam, and, for the students that don't reach 80% of attendance, there will ALSO be an oral exam.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
1- Bibliografía general
Bal, M.: Teoría de la narrativa. (Una introducción a la narratología). Madrid 1990.
Garrido Domínguez, A.: El texto narativo. Madrid 1996.
Genette, G.: Die Erzõhlung. München 1994.
Hamburger, K.: Die Logik der Dichtung. Stuttgart 1968.
Lõmmert, E.: Bauformen des Erzõhlens. Stuttgart 1993.
Martínez López, M. I.: Los géneros narrativos. Granada 2001.
Stanzel, F. K.: Theorie des Erzõhlens. G÷ttingen 1995.
Vogt, J.: Aspekte erzõhlender Prosa. Eine Einführung in Erzõhltechnik und Romantheorie. Opladen 1990.

Reading, analysis and interpretation of original narrative texts of the modern German literature starting by diverse reasons, topics and means. We will aslo deal with theoretical questions and basic terminology of German narratology
The class will be developed, insofar as possible, in German, in order to reinforce the domain of the language and, mainly, to practice the reading and understanding of texts in German. Also oral presentations will be carried out in class (individual and/or in group) about previously agreed topics.