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14270 Introduction to German Literary Genres - Five-year degree in German Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
English and German
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Two partial exams, oral exposure and active participation in class.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
1. Narrativa y géneros literarios
Amorós, A.: Los géneros literarios. En: Introducción a la literatura. Barcelona 1988, pp. 190-212.
Ayala, F.: Reflexiones sobre la literatura narrativa. Madrid 1970.
Bal, M.: Teoría de la narrativa. Madrid 1990.
Coy, J. y J. de Hoz (eds.): Estudios sobre los géneros literarios II. Salamanca 1984.
Dolezel, L.: Literarische Semantik und Strukturen des Erzõhlens. Beitrõge zur Literaturtheorie und Narratologie. Dresden 2001.
Domínguez, M.: Estudios de narratología. Madrid 1991.
Fubini, M.: Entstehung und Geschichte der literarischen Gattungen. Tübingen 1971.
García Berrio, A. y J. Huerta Calvo: Los géneros literarios: sistema e historia. Madrid 1992.
Garrido Domíngu
Those brief narrative genres will be studied that are considered characteristic of German literature. The analysis, description and definition of these genres will be carried out taking as base translations of representative works of the German narrative. The second thematic block of the subject will be in charge of the poetry and it is divided in a theoretical part, in which the aspects related to the rhyme, the metric and the stylistic aspects, and a practical part will be studied, in which students will analyze and interpret the representative poems of different times, also impacting their historical characteristics. The third part is dedicated to the study of drama. After the definition of the concept and a brief introduction to the origins and development of the dramatic gender, such aspects will be studied, such as the external and the internal structure of the dramatic work, the integral elements of drama etc.