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14255 German Word Formation - Five-year degree in German Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
English and German
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Theoretical and practical classes in Spanish and German. At the end of the year there will be an oral exam.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Barz, I/Schr÷der, M. (2002): Gründzüge der Wortbildung. In: W. Fleischer /H. Gerh (Hrsg.): Kleine Enzyklopődie Deutsche Sprache. Frankfurt/M. (u.a.): Peter Lang.
Barz, I/Schr÷der, M./Hőmmer, K./Poethe, H. (2002): Wortbildung praktisch und integrative. Ein Arbeitsbuch. Frankfurt/M. (u.a.): Peter Lang.
Eichinger, L.M. (2000): Deutsche Wortbildung. Eine Einführung. Tübingen.
Eppert, F. (1991a): Deutsche Wortschatzübungen 1/2. Ismaning: Hueber.
---(1991b): Training Deutsch: 60 Wortschatz- und Strukturübungen. Ismaning: Hueber.
Erben, J. (2000): Einführung in die deutsche Wortbildungslehre. Berlin.
Fleischer, W. /Barz. I. (1995): Wortbildung der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Motsch, W. (1999): Deutsche Wortb
During the term students will study, both in a theoretical and practical way, the most frequent models in the lexical morphology of German. They will deal mainly with the composition and the derivation. Also, other types of word formation less frequent, but important words will be seen in current German, like for instance Kurzwortbildung and other ways to enlarge and enrich the lexicon of German . Practice: For each one of the theoretical topics the students will carry out individually, in pairs or in groups different exercises of practical nature. Objectives: recognize in any word the elements that constitute it. To know how to associate and to relate words of different classes by virtue of the components. All this aims to broaden the acquired vocabulary and to settle the bases that facilitate the understanding and learning of new words.