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14253 German Phonetics and Phonology - Five-year degree in German Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
English and German
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Exercises will be carried out in the classroom, with the student's active participation, based on activities as listening to reading words aloud and to carry out their transcription, or to read the transcription of a text aloud.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination: consisting on a theoretical part and a practical part
Gil Fernández, Juana: (1999) Los sonidos del lenguaje. Madrid: Síntesis.
Kohler, Klaus J (1995): Einführung in die Phonetik des Deutschen. Berlin: ESV (2. Auflage)
Mangold, Max (1974): DUDEN-Aussprachewörterbuch, Mannheim: Duden Verlag
Pompino-Marschal, Bernd (1995): Einführung in die Phonetik. Berlin: W. de Gruyter.
Vicente Álvarez, Saturnino (1995): Fonética y fonología de la lengua alemana. Introducción a la pronunciación y estudio comparativo alemán-español. Madrid: Editorial Idiomas
Objectives: This subject tries to offer students a combination of theory and practice on a standard model of the German pronunciation. Contents: Introduction to the study of the phonetic and phonological system of the standard German language. Production, description and classification of the phonemes of German. Introduction to the suprasegmental features. Practices of phonetic and phonological transcription.
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