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14245 German Language Monographic Course - Five-year degree in German Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
English and German
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Combination of the professor's explanations on the theoretical aspects with the practical work of students about specific aspects of the theory. Active participation in classes and the correct use of the German language will be valued.
Met. Avaluació
Project work - -
Calañas Continente, J. A. (2001): El dominio léxico Existencia en alemán. Frankfurt a. M. et al: Lang
Mairal Usón, R. (2002): "Why the notion of lexical template?" In H. Ferrer Mora, J.A. Calañas Continente, V. Pavón Vázquez: ANGLOGERMANICA ONLINE 2002-1. Valencia. URL: www.uv.es/anglogermanica/2002-1/mairal.htm
Schierholz, S. J. (2002): "Die Grammatik der Substantive im DE GRUYTER WÍRTERBUCH DEUTSCH ALS FREMDSPRACHE" in H. E. Wiegand (Hg.) Perspektiven der pődagogischen Lexikographie des Deutschen II. Tübingen: Niemeyer.
Se facilitará una bibliografía más detallada al comienzo de las clases.
The module will be dedicated to the lexicographical critic: during the lectures the diverse existing dictionary types will be analyzed up to the moment. A brief introduction will also be given of the lexicographical practice starting from a certain model of representation of a meaning. Pratice/Praxis: Elaboration of dictionary entrances according to the presented pattern. Objectives / Lehrziele: Familiarization with the different existing dictionary types on the market and application of the necessary linguistic principles for their compilation and writing.