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14196 English Language II - Five-year degree in English Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
English and German
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Short lectures and pair and/or small group work, as well as brief class presentations on a variety of previously prepared topics.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Textbook: Leo Jones. Progress to Proficiency: New Edition (StudentÆs Book). Cambridge: CUP, 2002.
Comparing and contrasting /( Articles and determiners / reporting û 1
-ing and to / The passive û 1 / The future / Past and present / Modal verbs /
Question tags and negative questions / Conditional sentences û 1 / Conjunctions and connectors û 1 / Verbs + prepositions / Word order û phrasal verbs / Prepositions
Relative clauses / Adjectives + prepositions / Using participles / Position of adverbs
Using inversion for emphasis / Wh- clauses / Should and be / Further uses of ûing
There ... / Reporting û 2 / Uses of the past / It ... constructions / The passive û 2
Exam techniques

Adjective + noun collocations / Words easily confused / Opposites / Forming adjectives
Position of adjectives and participles / Collocations: adverbs of degree / Compound nouns
Prefixes / Abstract nouns / Different styles /Collocations: idioms / Suffixes / Underlying meanings / Collocations: verb phrases / Synonyms / Modifying adjectives and participles

a) To develop listening skills; listening to confirm expectations; listening to extract specific information; listening for communicative tasks; listening for general understanding; listening both for general gist and for details, as well as to interpret a speakerÆs attitude, etc.
b) To develop writing skills: expressive or stylistic; rhetorical; organizational; punctuation; paragraphing; sequencing ideas; avoiding repetition; making n