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Fitxa tècnica d'una assignatura en una titulació

14171 Hipertextos i Literatura Anglesa - LL.FILOL.ANGLESA 00

Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació
Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya
Professor responsable
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Classe magistral amb treball en equip, pràctic i teòric, a més del personal (lecture and team-work).
Web sites: AcqWeb (Vanderbilt University)
An Online Literature Library
Banned Books Online
Bartleby Library (Columbia University)
Berkeley Digital Library Project
Bibliomania: The Network Library
Descripció del Curs/Contents for the course:
Introductory course and overview of the state of Hypertext and English Literature on the www.
Dyachronic and hypertextual analysis of authors and their works, up-date of current theoretical, technological and hypermedia developments.
Objetius/Aims of the Course:
You should end the course with a broad overview of the literature written in hypertext format and which are the developments today. Such an overview gives you a chance to link ideas together, see historical shifts in tastes and ideology, create a frame and narrative for the wide array of literary works and theories. Each student should develop and improve a certain critical skill to analyse and comment ®opyrighted/written texts, and apply this knowledge to the writing of the students own papers. You will also be encouraged to publish and contribute with articles to the wide existing number of electronic academic journals with which we maintain a regular close collaboration, through our own publiching house called UV Press