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13961 Intercultural Pragmatics - LIC.TRADUCC.E INTERPRET.2006

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Language Theory and Communication Sciences
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Throughout the course the different thematic units will be introduced and then discussed with the students. Practical activities related to the thematic units will be programmed for presentation in the classroom or through essays
Met. Avaluació
The evaluation of the course consists of a written proof about the thematic units of the course and the practical activities. The latter will also be evaluated by considering public presentations in the classroom or by means of essays.
Briz Gómez, Antonio (1998): El español coloquial en la conversación. Esbozo de pragmagramática, Barcelona, Ariel
Calvo Pérez, Julio (1994): Introducción a la pragmática, Madrid, Cátedra.
Escandell, M. V. (1996): Introducción a la pragmática, Barcelona, Ariel
Gallardo Paúls, Beatriz (1994): Análisis conversacional y pragmática del receptor, Valencia, Episteme
Hernández Sacristán, Carlos (1999): Culturas y acción comunicativa. Introducción a la pragmática intercultural, Barcelona, Octaedro.
Levinson, Stephen C. (1989 (1983)): Pragmática, Barcelona, Teide.
The first thematic section of the course centers on the foundations and the socio-historical framework of a contrastive and intercultural orientation of pragmatics. The second section takes on language usage as an action socially valuable by focussing on parameters of intercultural variability. The third section considers communicative action as an inferential activity socio-culturally oriented. Cultural values associated with implicit and implied meaning will be studied. The fourth section takes on the interlocutive space. The different ways to represent the agents (speakers and hearers) implied in the communicative action and to manage their social image will be considered.The fifth section considers communicative action as an strategic and negociated activity, that is, as a dialogical and conversational activity performed in different ways: face to face, by written texts, or by other technological means.
The sixth and last section will study politeness form an intercultural perspective. Pragmatic errors and the ways that permit us to minimize their negative effects will be object of reflection.
Presentation, analysis and discussion of the more relevant aspects of an intercultural orientation in pragmatics. From this point of view, different thematic units of pragmatics, different models of linguistic usage and values associated with them, will be taken on. A basic objective of the course will be to demonstrate the close relationship between the models of linguistic usage and the general norms and criteria guiding and controlling social action.
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