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13948 Italian Literature I - Five-year degree in French Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
French and Italian
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
De Vendittis, L. Storia della Letteratura Italiana (Bologna, Zanichelli). González Miguel, J. G. Historia de la Literatura Italiana. 3 vols. (Salamanca Universidad). Dizionario UTET della Letteratura Italiana. (UTET, Torino). Ferroni, G. Storia della Letteratura Italiana. (Milano, Einaudi). Giuglielmino, S. Y Grosser, H. Il sistema letterario.
1. Foscolo, Leopardi and Manzoni. 2. Giosué Carducci. 3. "Scapigliatura". 4. Realistic literature. 5. Fogazzaro, Pascoli and DˆAnunzio. 6. Twilight poetry. 7. Poets of "Voce" and "Ronda". 8. Luigi Pirandello. 9. Italo Svevo. Federigo Tozzi. 10. Anti-militaristic, social, neorealist and southern narrative. 11. Bassani, Sciascia, Gadda, Calvino, Bonaviri. Objectives: To initiate students to the XIX and XX centuries reality of the Italian Literature through its history and its texts. Initiation to the literary criticism of prose and verse texts.