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13945 20th Century French Literature - Five-year degree in French Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
French and Italian
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Theoretical-practical chronological focus. Theoretical explanation and analysis of texts. Obligatory reading of 5 works of the XX century.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Bancquart, M. C. et Cahné, P. (1992) Littérature française du Xxème siècle, Paris, PUF. Borgomano, M.et Ravoux Rallo, E. (1995), La littérature française du Xxème siècle, Paris, Armand Colin. Brunel, P., La littérature française dˆaujourdˆhui, Paris, Vuibert, 1997. Littérature du Xxème siècle, textes et documents (1998), Paris, collection Henri Mitterand, Nathan.
1. Introduction: historical periods, generations, times and movements. 2. Belle Époque and vanguard poetry: Apollinaire. 3. Marcel Proust. 4. André Gide. 5.Surrealism: Breton and Éluarde. 6. Between Wars novels: Colette, Mauriac, Céline, Montherlant, Saint-Exupéry and Malraux. 7. Theater: Giraudoux and Anouilh. 8. Existence and the absurd: Sartre and Camus. 9.Non-commitment novels: Queneau, Vian, Mandiargues and Perec. 10.Le nouveau roman: Robbe-Grillet, Butor and Duras. 11 Theater of the absurd: Ionesco, Beckett, Genet and Adamov. 12. Novels and myth: Gracq, Yourcenar, Cohen, Tournier, Le Clézio. 13. Contemporary poetry: Perec, Bonnefoy, Jaccottet, Deguy, Roche. 14. Contemporary novels: Quignard, Houellebecq, Echenoz. Objectives: To acquire knowledge of the most important literary movements in the XX century. To develop analysis skills of literary works.