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13944 18th Century French Literature - Five-year degree in French Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
French and Italian
Lecturers in charge
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Theoretical-practical focus. Theoretical explanations and text analysis and commentaries. Obligatory reading of 7 works among those offered in the bibliography.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Beaumarchais: Le barbier de Seville, Folio ThéÔtre nº 30. Crébillon fils: La nuit et le moment, Le sopha. Denon, Vivant: Point de lendemain, suivi de Jean-François Bastide, La Petite Maison, Edition de Michel Delon, Gallimard, Follio nº2739, 1995. Diderot: Les bijoux indiscrets, Folio nº 1343. Laclos: Les liaisons dangereuses, Classiques de Poche nº 354. Marivaux: Les fausses confidences, Folio ThéÔtre nº39. Prévost (Abbé), Lˆhistoire du Chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut. Sade, D.A.F., La philosophie dans le boudoir ou Les instituteurs immoraux, éd. DˆYvon Belaval, Folio classique nº 800, etc.
From Enlightment Age to French Revolution. Cultural context of the century. Thought and philosophy of Enlightment. Literary forms. Novel in XVIII century. Literature of the Revolution. To raise student awareness of XVIII century literature and know the main changes of Revolution and Humanist topics of the moment.