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13941 Middle Age and 16th Century French Literature - Five-year degree in French Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
French and Italian
Lecturers in charge
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Theoretical-practical classes and the student's personal work. Obligatory readings: both medieval literature and XVIth century literature.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Edad Media: Badel, Pierre-Yves, Introduction à la vie littéraire du Moyen ‰ge, Paris, Bordas, 1975.Lemarignier, Jean-François, La France médiévale. Institutions et société. Armand Colin, 1970. Zink, Michel, Littérature française du Moyen ‰ge, PUF, 1992. S. XVI: Lagarde et Michard, XVIe siècle, Ed. Bordas, Paris. Castex et Surer, Manuel des Études littéraires en France, XVI e siècle, Hachette, Paris. Ménager, D., Introducction à la vie littéraire au XVIe siècle, Bordas, 1968.
Middle Ages: Historical and cultural context. The epic poems. The novel. Courtesy and finˆamor. The legend of Tristan and Isolda. Chrétien de Troyes. Medieval poetry. The great masters of poetry in the XIV and XV centuries. Burlesque and satirical medieval literature. XVI Century: Historical, social and cultural introduction. The narrative gender (Rabelais, stories and short stories, novels). Poetry (the "marotique" poetry, the "lyonnais" poets, Pléiade, toward the Baroque). Prose: (Montaigne, varied forms). Objectives: General vision of the evolution of narrative and poetic genres of medieval and XVI century literature. To increase knowledge of significant works of French medieval and XVI century literature.