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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13921 Introduction to the Main Genres of French Literature - Five-year degree in French Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
French and Italian
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Starting with textual analysis, group discussions on the different literary texts will promote practice of the French language. Obligatory readings.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Corvin, M., Dictionnaire encyclopédique du théÔtre, Paris, Bodas, 1991. David, M., Le ThéÔtre, Paris, Belin, col. Sujets, 1995. Pavis, P. Diccionario del teatro. Dramaturgia, estética, semiología. Barcelona, Paidós, 1998. Maulnier, Th., Introduction à la poésie française, 1982. Gardes-Tamine, J., Molino, J., Introduction à lˆanalyse de la poésie, Paris, PUF, 1992. Verdier, I., Introduction à la poésie moderne et contemporaine, Paris, PUF, 2001. Pennac, D., Comme un roman, Collection Folio, Gallimard, 1992., Lévy, M., Et si cˆétait vrai, Laffont, 2000. Didier van Cauwelaert, Lˆéducation dˆune fée. Albin Michel, 1999.
Theater: Specificity and diversity of the theatrical gender. Religious theater (le miracle et le mystère: Gréban, Jean Michel and Rutebeuf). Profane Theater: comic theater (la farce, la sottie and lacomédie: farces du Moyen ‰ge, Gringore, Molière, Regnard and Lesage), tragic theater (la tragédie: Racine and Camus), mixed genres (le jeu, la tragi-comédie, le drame, le théÔtre de lˆabsurde , le théÔtre panique: Adam de la Halle, Marivaux, Garnier, Corneille, Musset, Diderot, Beckett, Ionesco, Arrabal, Topor). Conclusions. Poetry: Recognition of a poetic text: verses, poetic prose, forms, rhythm (Hugo, Verlaine, Perec, Prévert). The harmony of sound and senses (Aragon, Supervielle). Semantics and emotions (Rimbaud). The Novel: The current French novel: drama, thriller, police novel: points of view, paranormal, magic (M. Lévy). French novels and adaptations for Hollywood: seduction, love, sex, feminine and masculine fears (D. Van Cauwelaert). Aims: definition and characterization of the French literature main genres and text analysis. To create an introduction from texts of the main authors, trends and works. To raise interest in reading and in French literature. To learn how to comment upon literary texts.