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13909 French Language History I - Five-year degree in French Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
French and Italian
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Three theoretical-practical sessions a week, where work from previous week will be corrected. One obligatory individual project and six group or pair projects.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Andrieux, N., Baumgartner, E., Manuel de français du Moyen-‰ge, Bordeaux, 1983. Baril, A., Manuel dˆinitiation à lˆancien français, Paris, 1998. Bonnard, H., Synopsis de phonétique historique de lˆancien français, Paris, Sedes, 1985. Chaurand, J., Nouvelle histoire de la langue française, Seuil, Paris, 1999. Fouchém P., Phonétique historique du français, Paris, Klincksieck, º952-59, 3 vol., La Chaussñee, F., Initiation á la morphologie historique de lˆancien français, Paris, Klincksieck, 1977.
A. Historical phonetics and language history: 1. Pre-Roman Gaul. 2. Romanization. 3. Gallic-Roman times. 4. Barbarian times. 5. Carolingian times. 6. The oldest French. 7. Classic times of old French. 8. Middle Ages French. 9. From XVI century to contemporary times. B. Noun Morphosyntax. Semantics: 1. Masculine nouns. 2. Uses of subject and régime case. 3. Feminine nouns. 4. Infinitive and nominalised infinitives. 5. Noun complement syntax. 6. Definite and indefinite articles. 7. Adjectives, comparative and superlative adjectives. 8. Personal pronouns as subject and complements. 9. Adjectives and possessive pronouns. 10. Adjectives and relative and interrogative pronouns. Objectives: Analysis of the changes suffered by vulgar Latin in Gallic areas north of the Loire, until constitution of French as an independent romanic language, paying special attention to language situation from IX to XV centuries.