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13901 French Poetry Textual Analysis - Five-year degree in French Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
French and Italian
Lecturers in charge
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Theoretical, practical classes and student's personal work (reading of the anthology of texts and preparation of analyses that will be presented and discussed in the practical classes.).
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Adam, J.M., Pour lire un poème, DeBoek et Duculot, Bruxelles, 1992. Aquien, M., Dictionnaire de poétique, Le Livre de Poche, 1993. Dessons, G., Introduction à lˆanalyse du poème, Dunod, Paris, 1996. Joubert, Jean-Louis, La poésie, Armand Colin, 1999.
1. Theoretical and methodological concepts: Rhythm and versification. Poetic language. Structure and poem articulation elements. Poetic voice. Pragmatics elements. 2.Texts discussion: text discussion of medieval poetry. Text discussion of XVI century poetry. Text discussion of XVII century French poetry. Objectives: 1. Introduction to theoretical and methodological concepts of analysis andpoetic texts discussion. 2. Poetry texts discussion applying this concepts. 3. Study in depth of the French poetry knowledge acquired in "Introduction to the main genres of French literature". 4. To improve the reading competence of French Middle ages and XVI and XVII centuries poetic texts.