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13880 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology Problems - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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ALARCOS LLORACH, E. (1986): Fonología Española. Madrid. Gredos.
CANTERO, F.J. (2002): Teoría y análisis de la entonación. Barcelona. Universidad de Barcelona.
CRUTTENDEN, A. (1990): Entonación: teoría general y aplicación al inglés. Barcelona. Teide.
CRYSTAL, D. (1969): Prosodic Systems and Intonation in English. Cambridge. C. U. P.
DANES, F. (1960): ôSentence intonation from a functional point of viewö, en Word, 16, pp. 34-54.
GARDE, P. (1968): LÆaccent. Paris. Presses Universitaires de la France.
GILI GAYA, S. (1966): Elementos de Fonética General. Madrid. Gredos.
HIDALGO, A. (1997): La entonación coloquial. Función demarcativa y unidades de habla. Valencia. Anejo XXI de Cuader
Phonetics and Phonology in Segments: Problems of Phonetics: 1. The "family name" of the Phonetics. 2. Acoustic, articulated and auditive phonetics. 3. Classification of sounds in the Spanish language. Problems of Phonology: 1. Structural Phonology: phonological units, their hierarchy and their structure. 2. Phonological structure of the Spanish language. 3. Vowel subsystem. 4. Consonant subsystem.
Phonetics and Phonology in Supra-segments: Introduction. The supra-segments: concept, specific variants. 1. Accent. Definition. 2. Duration (Quantity). Definition. 3. Intonation. Definition. 4. Pause (Juncture). Definition. 5. Rhythm and Speech Tempo.
The Accent: 1. Nature of the Accent. 2. Degrees of the accent. 3. Lexical accent, Sentence accent, Emphasis Accent. 4. Functions of the accent. Study of the types of accent.
Duration (Quantity): 1. Nature of the feature "Duration". 2. The duration feature in diverse languages. Characterization rehearsal.
3. The duration feature in Spanish.
Intonation: 1. Nature of the Intonation. 2. Configuration of the intonation curve. Constituent elements. 3. Tone (tone levels) and intonation (curve): likeness and differences. 4. Intonation units. 5. the Functions of the Intonation. Analysis levels.
Pause and Juncture: 1. Pause. Functions and variants. 2. The phenomenon of Juncture in Spanish. External and internal Juncture.