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13872 Contemporary Narrative and the Latin American City - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
* La bibliografía específica sobre obras y autores se dará en clase.
1. Bellini, Giuseppe: Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana, Castalia, Madrid, l987.
2. Benjamin, Walter: "París, capital del siglo XIX". En Poesía y capitalismo. Iluminaciones I , Madrid, Taurus, 1980.
3. Berman, Marshall: Todo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire. México, FCE, 1990.
4. Goic, Cedomil (coord.): Literatura Hispanoamericana. Historia y Crítica, Vol. II y III, Editorial Crítica, Barcelona, l988.
5. Henríquez Ureña, Pedro Las corrientes literarias en la América hispánica., Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, l976.
6. Fernández, Teodosio et al.: Historia d
1-The subject has as central objective to follow modernization processes and changes in narration modes that conform diverse trends in Latin-American culture.
2 û To create a study of changes in Latin-American cities through a schematic historical journey of the urban development from late XIX century until the current megalopolis.
3 - To trace a panoramic of Latin-American narrative articulated by the urban topic transformations from Modernism at the End of XIX Century, until the most recent tendencies in the 90s.
4 - To propose readings that show these modern transformations and encourage the meditation about the urban space problem and changes in their inhabitants subjectivities represented in the stories and novels.
1 - Introduction:
2 û Latin-America: images and brief history of Latin-American cities:
a. Bourgeois cities: modern transformation of the End of Century:
b. From Metropolises to the Megalópolis:
3 - Narrative and city: The modernized city:
a. Around the century end: the ôcleaned-upö city:
b. Aesthetic autonomy and market: the writer's work
4 - Elegant city and suburb in the 20s:
a. The forest of paper.
b. The avant-garde city:
5 - Stranges in the city: Latin-American narrative from half century:
a. Jorge Luis Borges: narrative art and magic.
b. Juan Carlos Onetti: uneasiness in the city.
c. Adolfo Bioy Casares: the bur