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13868 Modern and Contemporary Portuguese Literature - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -

BERRINI, Beatriz, Ler Saramago: o Romance , Editorial Caminho, 1998;
BUESCU, Maria Leonor CarvalhÒo, História da Literatura , Lisboa, INCM, 1991;
COELHO, J. do Prado, Dicionário de Literatura , 3º ed, Porto, Figueirinhas, 1985;
COELHO, Jacinto do Prado, Unidade e Diversidade em Fernando Pessoa , Lisboa, Editorial Verbo, 1987;
COSTA, Horácio, José Saramago: o Período Formativo , Lisboa, Editorial Caminho, 1997;
COSTA, J. Almeida e Melo, A. Sampaio, Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa, 6º ed, Porto, Porto Editora, 1984;
CRESPO, Angel (ed) Antología Poética: el poeta es un fingidor , Madrid, Espassacalpe, 1991;
LOPES, Óscar e SARAIVA, A. José, História da Literatura Portuguesa , 1

Characteristics: This module on one side presents theoretical aspects focusing particularly on history, literary trends and authors belonging to the 20th century and on the other side teaches essential practical elements to do with the set readings, analysis and crticism of works from that literary genre.