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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13852 Latin - Five-year degree in History

Faculty of Geography and History
Classical Languages
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
M. Bassols de Climent, Sintaxis latina, Madrid, CSIC, 1956. L. Rubio, Introducción a la Sintaxis Estructural del Latín, Barcelona, Ariel 1966. L. Rubio- T. González Rolán, Nueva Gramática Latina, Madrid, Coloquio, 1988. E. Valentí Fiol, Sintaxix Latina, Barcelona, Bosch, 1984 (16ª ed.).

1 - Latin typology and history.
2 - Latin etymology and lexicology.
3 - Phonology and prosody. Vocalic and consonantic systems. The accent.
4 - Parts of speech:
4.1.Value of cases.
4.2. Degradation and disappearance of the cases system.
4.3. Grammatical gender.
4.4. Comparative and superlative.
4.5. Demonstratives, anaphorics and articles.
4.6. Verb: conjugation; analysis of a verbal form.
4.7. Tenses and modes of the active verb.
4.8. Voice and diathesis.
5 - Clause syntax:
5.1. Word order.
5.2. Negation. Interrogation.
5.3. Relative subordination.
5.4. Completive subordinates.
5.5. Incidental subordinates.

1. Minimum contents: Basic knowledge of Latin morphology (nominal and verbal paradigms) and of the orational syntax rudiments.
2.Theoretical exhibition will alternate with sentences analysis and translation as exemples of the syllabus contents.
3. Practical classes will be based on Caesar's translation, DE bello Gallico V 1-23 (in Rome Aeterna ,E. Valentí Fiol, Bosch Marries Editorial), in the first quarter, and Martial, select Epigrams (for M. Dolç, Collection Bosch of Latin classic texts), in the second quarter.
4. Student will read on he/his own Ovidio's Metamorphosis.