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13852 Latin - Five-year degree in German Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Classical Languages
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
M. Bassols de Climent, Sintaxis latina, Madrid, CSIC, 1956. L. Rubio, Introducción a la Sintaxis Estructural del Latín, Barcelona, Ariel 1966. L. Rubio- T. González Rolán, Nueva Gramática Latina, Madrid, Coloquio, 1988. E. Valentí Fiol, Sintaxix Latina, Barcelona, Bosch, 1984 (16ª ed.).
1. Latin typology and history. 2. Latin etymology and lexicology. 3. Phonology and prosody. Vocalic and consonantic systems. Accent. 4. Parts of the sentence. 5. Sentence syntax.