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13851 19th Century Spanish Novel - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination and project work
La que sigue es una muy seleccionada Bibliografía sobre los temas objeto de estudio en el programa. En Apéndice se incluye una Bibliografía más amplia.

Aunque el curso se impartirá con independencia de cualquier manual, el estudiante podrá recurrir a los siguientes:
Para el Romanticismo se dispone de tres obras con diferentes criterios, entre las que el estudiante puede escoger:
J.L.Alborg, Historia de la literatura española. El romanticismo. Madrid. Gredos, 1980, vol IV.
L. Romero Tobar, Panorama crítico del Romanticismo español.. Madrid. 1994.
G. Carnero ed. Siglo XIX, I, en V.García de la Concha, dir. Historia de la literatura española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 199

I. - René or the aimless passion: Chateaubriand and the writing of the self. Aesthetics and poetic in the German Romanticism. The legitimation of the novel as a genre of Modernity. Romanticism and romanticisms: evolution and tendencies. The romantic literary norm. The narrative forms: the narrative poem, the fantastic story, the historical novel. The bases of a realistic poetic in the Romanticism: the psychological novel and the novel of contemporary customs.
II. - Origins of the European Realism. The historical causes of the Spanish Realism. The discussion on the realistic poetic and the alternative poetics. The thesis novel, Galdós and "Doña Perfecta". "Los Episodios Nacionales". Flaubert and the transition to the Naturalism.
III. - The naturalistic movement in Spain. The special character of the Spanish Naturalism. El crítico Clarín and the naturalist poetic. Galdós and the naturalism. The continuation of the naturalism in Blasco Ibáñez.
IV. - The crisis of the Naturalism and the search for alternative formulas for the novel. The European spiritualistic movement: philosophy, literature, ideologies. Bases for a spiritualist poetic. The two roads of the European novel: the roman d'analyse and the Russian novel. The narrative outline of the spiritualistic novels.
V. - The breakup of the Realism. The decadentism.