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13842 Introduction to 18th and 19th Century Spanish Literature - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
AGUILAR PIÑAL, F., ed., Historia literaria de España en el siglo XVIII, Madrid, Trotta/CSIC, 1996.
ALBORG, Juan Luis, Historia de la literatura española, III: El siglo XVIII, Madrid, Gredos, 1975.
ù, Historia de la literatura española, IV: El romanticismo, Madrid, Gredos, 1980.
ù, Historia de la literatura española, IV-i: Realismo y naturalismo. La novela. Parte primera: Introducción. Fernán Caballero. Alarcón. Pereda, Madrid, Gredos, 1996.
ù, Historia de la literatura española, IV-iii: Realismo y naturalismo. La novela. Parte tercera: De siglo a siglo. A. Palacio Valdés. V. Blasco Ibáñez, Madrid, Gredos, 1999.
CASO GONZÁLEZ, José Miguel, Ilustración y Neoclasic


- To examine the history and criticism of a literary time and their main authors from a wide selection of the most important texts in the XVIII and XIX Spanish literature.


1. Introduction to XVIII century. Nature and limits of Spanish Illustration. Debate about sensibility and Romanticism.

2. Prose in XVIII century. Essay and its forms in the Spanish XVIII century. Essay and periodic press. José Cadalso and Leandro Fernández de Moratín.

3. XVIII century novel. The new look on the XVIII century novel. Fray Gerundio (1758-68) by Isla. Sadism and sensibility in Cornelia Bororquia.

4. XVIII century poetry. Baroque inheritance. Factors of change. Poetry of the second half of the century. New elements in the rhetorical election. Poetic lines of the second half of the century.

5. Introduction to XIX century. Romanticism in Spain. The Calderonian polemic in the first third of the century.

6. XIX century poetry. Transition towards Romanticism. Romantic period: Espronceda, Rivas, Zorrilla and Arolas. Feminine Romantic poetry. Poetic of the modernity: Bécquer and Rosalía. Other XIX century poets.

7. XIX century Spanish novel. Historical novel of Spanish romanticism. Other novel forms of the first half of the century. Fantastic narrative. Realism and Naturalism.

8. Essay. Learning and collections. Literary c