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13836 History of Spanish language in America - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Sánchez Méndez, J., Historia de la lengua española en América, Valencia, Tirant Lo blanch 2002.


Alvar, Manuel (Director), Manual de dialectología hispánica. El español de América, Barcelona, Ariel, 1996.
Alvar, Manuel y Pottier, Bernard, Morfología histórica del español, Madrid, Gredos, 1987.
Ariza, Manuel, Manual de fonología histórica del español, Madrid, Síntesis, 1990;
Buesa, Tomás y Enguita Utrilla, Léxico del español de América. Su elemento patrimonial e indígena, Madrid, Mapfre, 1992.
Cano, Rafael, El español a través de los tiempos, Madrid, Arco-Libros, 1988.
Cuervo, Rufino J., Ap

1. Introduction: Periods in the history of Spanish in America. 2.Origins of the Spanish of America (XVI century). 2.1. Main languages and communities of pre-Columbian America. 2.2. the conquest and colonization. 2.3. The starting point: the Spanish language that arrived in America. 2.4. Theories on the creation of American Spanish. 3. Spanish during the colonial period (from the XVI to the XVIII century). 3.1. Determinant issues on the formation and configuration of the different American modalities. 3.2. The XVII century. The conformation of the colonial society. 3.3. The XVIII century. The American illustration. 3.4. The African and indigenous colonial world.
4. Development of the main features of the American Spanish. 4.1. Phonetic and phonological evolution. 4.2. Morphosyntactic evolution.
4.3. evolution of the lexicon. 5. The XIX and XX centuries. 5.1. The XIX century: the breaking-off and tradition. 5.2. The XX century: the integration.