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13835 History of Spanish Grammar - Five-year degree in Spanish Philology

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Theory and practical classes in which students will write criticism of different forms of texts from the different periods studied in order to facilitate a dossier of such pieces to be reproduced.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work

1. Spanish's linguistic historiography. General concepts and chronological aspects
2. Grammar's notion and its division inclassic treaties.
3. Meditation about Spanish previous to Nebrija.
4. Nebrija and the Spanigh language grammar.
5. Spanish grammarians of XVI and XVII centuries.
6. Spanish's orthographic doctrine in Classic times.
7. Spanish lexicography from XV to XVIII century.
8. Grammatical code in XVIII century: before and after the Academy.
9. Constitution of modern Spanish's orthographic norm.
10. Spanish grammar of XIX century: tradition and innovation.

Students should get a general knowledge of Spanish's code history through the study of the main grammatical, orthographic and lexicographical treaties, with special attention to the evolution of linguistic ideas reflected in these works.
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